We've Reached Peak #Retailapocalypse ($ARCC $MNI)

Who knew that another element of the retail story is international postal law and an app called WishThis is bananas. Choice quote: "Services like this offer us a preview of a maximalist capitalist future, in which the near-entirety of current-day retail -- stores, humans and even storelike website -- have been identified as gatekeepers or sources of friction and accordingly obliterated." OBLITERATED. What the F? Meanwhile, you know you've reached peak #retailapocalypse when even the New Yorker is writing pieces about J.Crew's J-Crewiness, bad merchandizing, bad debt, and Matrix-esque mind-control efforts. This just goes to show how hard it is to avoid the retail story these days. Compounding matters, publicly-traded BDCs let us see how they view the retail landscape and, in this case, Ares Capital is writing down the value of their loan in Things Remembered Inc. For those with short memories, Things just did an out-of-court restructuring transaction. Clearly things haven't improved much. Finally, the tack-on affect of the brutal retail environment is showing up elsewhere: The McClatchy Company, for instance, reported a 7% drop in total revenue on account of a 22% decline in print advertising (not offset by a rise in digital advertising) with revenue losses from The Sports Authority and hhgregg Inc. cited. The company is 5.4x levered on $874mm of debt but has no near-term maturities and an untapped revolver. Still, the company is in full-on triage mode trying to expedite its digital transformation which, clearly, is a matter of life or death.