Notable (Loan Defaults, Oncor, Staples, Takata Corp)

Loan Deficiencies. Some interesting numbers here.

Oncor. Warren Buffett to the rescue? Perhaps, perhaps not. It seems there may be competition for the asset. It looks like Kirkland & Ellis LLP and Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP stand to make good fees on the transaction if it goes through.

Staples. Details on Sycamore Partners' proposed LBO financing here.

Takata CorpMore professionals with a seat at the table.

Fast Forward: Takata & Armstrong Energy

Holy airbag Batman. It looks like Takata Corp. may finally be plunging into Chapter 11. For those who thought the coal-based bankruptcy wave was passed us, Armstrong Energy's recently filed 8-K is a reminder that maybe it isn't: the thermal coal producer (electricity production) skipped its interest payment and now negotiates within its 30-day grace period.